Applying as a family in Canada - Tips to aspiring international students

 Length of program 

If you are a family of three or more, I always recommend safety first. Meaning a two year program is always only the sensible option. A two year program will give you three years of pgwp whereas a one year program will give you only one year of pgwp. Being a family, you need to be cautious of this. A one year program is cheaper but the amount of stress you will have to endure with a 1 year pgwp can be immense. So save yourself from the stress and plan for a two year program. 

School for your kids

School for your children will be free - from gradeschool to highschool to K12. The school where your children will attend will depend on your location or your home address. Each province will have different school districts. You will have to connect with each school district to identify which school your child will attend. For example, here in New Brunswick - you can go to this website: 


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